"I can do everything through him that gives me strength"- Phillipians 4:13

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

First Post

Hey guys. Thanks for stopping by. Right now I'm in the process of trying to raise $20,000.00 for my mission trip to Italy coming up in October of this year. The total is 30k but VMBM (Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions) has given a grant of $10,000.00 to any applicant accepted into this program.
The program is called tranSend, and it's for young people that would like to dedicate 1-2 years to missions. I was so blessed to get accepted and to get this chance to move to Italy for a year. As you may imagine though, 20k is a lot of money to try to raise by myself so I really welcome any effort or donation offered by you towards this opportunity.
Please feel free to use this post as a tool to spread the information to ANYONE that's even remotely interested. I will be putting up information on here as to where to send the donations, I'll keep an update of how much is raised, and in the very near future I'll be posting up some information like my testimony, a bit about my life, and how I've come to make this decision for my life. Thanks again for all your help!