"I can do everything through him that gives me strength"- Phillipians 4:13

Friday, August 1, 2008


Hey everyone,
I will be in Montenegro until August 14th. I am going on an evangelizing trip for two weeks with three other people. The team leader is Giovanni Donato and his wife Hannah, an Italian and a British person, Emily Huffman, an American, and me, an Albanian. This will be a trip where we will be working with a Serbian couple in Podgorica, Vladimir and Marijana, in several different evangelizing efforts. We will be setting up on streets, beaches, and going to other cities to meet with believers who don't have a church to meet at.
Please pray for us for safe traveling as well as an effective ministry while we're there. Pray that we can be an encouragement for the believers there and that we can help some people make that very important decision for their lives! Thank you for your continued support and prayers!