"I can do everything through him that gives me strength"- Phillipians 4:13

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Last weekend the youth group did the whole sunday service for the church for the second time this year. We did the worship, announcements, and the message. Andrea Crocivera who has left to go work with Youth For Christ in another part of Italy, was back for the weekend and he shared the message with the church.

The theme for our service was an international theme. We sang songs in different languages, including italian, english, albanian, and an african song. Once again this group was able to show how much talent there is inside this church. We also did a short sketch with the theme. 5 or 6 kids came out asking for water in a different language. They all had the same need, but none of them seemed to understand each other. The whole time, one of the guys portraying Jesus was walking around with a glass of water in his hand. At the end, he was the only one that when he spoke, they all understood, no matter what their native language was. As Italy is also a place where many different cultures run into each other every day, we decided this was an opportune chance to share with the members of the church how God's love was intended for everyone on this planet. In his message, Andrea spoke about how no matter what the differences are between us and the people we meet, chances are they are struggling with the same problems, and searching for the same affirmation and meaning to life that we all are. This past week was also the last official meeting for the youth group here at Centro Agape. Apparently they don't have a regular weekly meeting during the week in the summer. I am hoping to use that to spend some one on one time with the kids in it during the next few months. This was a picture of the group after last sunday.

This next week I will be commuting to Termini Imerese to help with Settimana Felice (italian equivalent to a Vacation Bible School). I will be helping with the daily music, organizing all the games for the week, and lending a hand in the rehearsals for the final show for the parents at the end of the week. Keep me in your prayers and i travel back and forth each day, and that i'll be able to be a patient and encouraging teacher to the kids. I will be doing the same thing in Bari the first week of July as well with the church there.